How it all started...
We are passionate about letting the world know that God is good and
He wants everyone to be blessed to be a blessing.
He wants us to be an influence for Him in this world.
This is what we believe and this is what we live!
Pastors Doug and Sveta Klan started Edmonton Word of Faith Fellowship, or simply Word of Faith, in 1999. Services commenced on May 9th in one of the auditoriums of The King's University College.
They had a heart to establish a church where all are welcome,
a place where all individuals and families can grow and flourish in faith and rise up to their God-given destiny.
He wants everyone to be blessed to be a blessing.
He wants us to be an influence for Him in this world.
This is what we believe and this is what we live!
Pastors Doug and Sveta Klan started Edmonton Word of Faith Fellowship, or simply Word of Faith, in 1999. Services commenced on May 9th in one of the auditoriums of The King's University College.
They had a heart to establish a church where all are welcome,
a place where all individuals and families can grow and flourish in faith and rise up to their God-given destiny.

Expanding the vision...
Faith Nation is made up of people from all walks of life, and people who are at different places in their relationship with God. It is a blend of brand-new believers and established, mature Christians; business people to construction workers to homemakers. People at our church are hungry for more of God in their lives and have opportunities to receive relevant weekly teachings on topics such as family relationships, overcoming pressure, living debt free, walking in love and living by faith: teaching that helps our congregation grow into men and women who know who they are in Christ Jesus.
Where we are headed...
In about 2018 a new name for our church was birthed in our hearts.
We’ve always seen people of faith from so many nations of the world
assembling under the roof of Edmonton Word of Faith.
Luke 18:8 in the Message Bible says:
…. But how much of that kind persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when He returns?
We believe the Lord will find that kind of persistent faith in our church.
It became even clearer during 2020 pandemic. We truly saw people of faith rising up and
uniting with other people of unshakable faith from every tribe, race, culture and nation
under the roof of our church, praying, declaring, and seeing amazing miracles.
Even though we look different and speak different native languages,
having all been born into the Family of God through faith in Jesus Christ,
we all speak and understand the language of faith. Message of faith rooted in the Word of God
is our heritage as a church. In Christ we are no longer identified
by our ethnicity, culture, race or tradition, but we are being united and
transformed into one people, one family, one nation – Faith Nation!
We’ve always seen people of faith from so many nations of the world
assembling under the roof of Edmonton Word of Faith.
Luke 18:8 in the Message Bible says:
…. But how much of that kind persistent faith will the Son of Man find on the earth when He returns?
We believe the Lord will find that kind of persistent faith in our church.
It became even clearer during 2020 pandemic. We truly saw people of faith rising up and
uniting with other people of unshakable faith from every tribe, race, culture and nation
under the roof of our church, praying, declaring, and seeing amazing miracles.
Even though we look different and speak different native languages,
having all been born into the Family of God through faith in Jesus Christ,
we all speak and understand the language of faith. Message of faith rooted in the Word of God
is our heritage as a church. In Christ we are no longer identified
by our ethnicity, culture, race or tradition, but we are being united and
transformed into one people, one family, one nation – Faith Nation!

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:10 am.